Episode 430: The Final PDF Thumbnail Shortcut

Sample Shortcut discussed in Episode 430 to create a 500 pixel wide JPG thumbnail from the first page of one or more selected PDFs:

Screenshot of PDF Thumbnail Shortcut

Episode 409: Coding Samples

Sample Code to Recap:
Calculate area of circle using variables and print statement:

let radius = 5.0
let pi = 3.14159
let area = pi * (radius * radius)

print("The area of a circle with radius \(radius) is \(area)")

I learned how to simplify that print statement and created a version 1.1:

print("The area of a circle with radius ",radius," is ",area)

What about?

let area = pi * pow(radius,2)

Turns out: To use the pow function, something called the Foundation library (framework) has to be imported to your program.

This library helps you with common programming tasks that aren’t covered by the core Swift language and its standard library

UPDATE!!: Writing pow(radius,2) is an important correction to what I said in the episode!
The area of a circle with radius 5 is most definitely NOT 9817.46875!

SO my improved (1.2) version of the Area of a Circle calculator is:

import Foundation
let radius = 5.0
let pi = 3.14159
let area = pi * pow(radius,2)

print("The area of a circle with radius ",radius," is ",area)

Chit Chat(ting) with Allison and Bart

Be sure to catch NosillaCast #369 this week when Mike joins Allison Sheridan and Bart Busschots in a much-longer-than-Allison-hoped Chit Chat Across the Pond in which we discuss the forte and foibles of Lion’s Auto Save feature.

Check out this week’s episode at NosillaCast #369


Site Update: QuickTips Feed Fixed!

Apparently in the switch-over to the new site back in January, I made a slight error updating the feeds folks use to subscribe to the show. Both the Main show feed and the Weekly Show Only feeds were working as they should, but it seems the Quick Tip feed hasn’t updated itself since we moved to the new site.

err, Whoops!

Unfortunately, I didn’t realize the QuickTips and Extras Only feed wasn’t updating until this morning, but I just fixed the source feed at Feedburner and all should be well again.

Sorry for the confusion everyone!


Come Join Us for FMEO Episode 200 – December 29th!

If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall for a FMEO round-table recording session, then tune in this Wednesday, December 29th at 1pm Central Time (11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 7pm GMT) to join us for a special episode of For Mac Eyes Only with as many of TeamFMEO as I can cram into a virtual room … and it’s all to help celebrate our 200th episode of FMEO!

In the episode, Gary, Barry, Pam, Eric, and I plan to take a look back at our favorite Mac & Apple related stories of 2010, as well as offer up a few predictions for things we hope to see come from Apple in the new year.

You’ll be able to catch all the action, including live streaming audio and the chat room, by pointing your favorite Mac browser to*:

http://live.formaceyesonly.com OR http://live.fmeo.tv

Hope to see you then!


p.s. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, the audio from the session will be released as a regular episode of For Mac Eyes Only soon after we’re done.

*The content will be streaming using Justin.tv which means that you’ll need a browser that supports Flash to listen in.

FMEO Quick Tips are Moving to a New Home!

FMEO Quick Tips are on the move … to Mondays!

Watch your feeds for our next Quick Tip that’s headed your way this Monday, October 18th.

Talk to you then!


FMEO Show Errors?

8/21 UPDATE: The issues with the show seem to be mostly resolved now. “Lyrics” are still stripped from the download, but that’s being worked on as I type this.

Hey Everyone,

I’m getting word that some listeners are experiencing trouble with the show recently such as incorrect timing in iTunes and missing show notes in the “lyrics” field – something iPhone and iPod Touch users look for.

While I try to figure out what the heck is going on, I wanted to make fresh copies of each available for you to download should you care to.

I apologize for any inconvenience and am working to find the source of the problem.

Until then, please enjoy this archive of episodes 133 and 134 that should play properly as well as include the missing show notes.

Download: Episode 133 and 134 Archive (56.8MB)


For Mac Eyes Only – “Mac Curious – The Missing Links”

Episode 129 – Editorial Links

Whoops! In getting the show note links added to the post on Monday, I completely left off the links for folks looking for more information on switching to a Mac.

Here they are:

> Apple Store’s Personal Shopping
> Apple’s Store Locator
> Find a local Apple User Group
> Switch 101 – Migrating to a Mac
> Find Out How – Video Tutorials

For anyone contemplating making the switch to a Mac, the links above are all excellent resources to check out.


For Mac Eyes Only Episode 100 UPDATE

Episode 100 Connection Info

After testing a number of different services, it looks like our best bet is going to be Ustream.tv for streaming the AUDIO of our round table episode and provide a chat room where you guys can tune in and participate if you’d like — or just stop by to say “Hi”.

If all goes well, we’ll get underway at Noon US Central Time (GMT -6:00) at the following URL:

Hope you can make it!

(If you can’t make it, don’t worry, because we’ll release the audio in the regular podcast feed on Monday.)